
Google Question Hub

How to Use Google Question Hub and How It Works?

Google added a new tool that is google question hub. Here we are describing about the google question hub Believe me, nothing can fascinate us when it comes to technology other than the greatest invention- GOOGLE! Yes, just imagine what you would have done without it. You would have to take a long walk to see the nearby cafes, go by foot or car to buy medicines even when you are ill, and yes not to forget how impeccably Google helps you complete your college assignment. Because of all this and a lot more reasons, Google has a special space in our hearts. If there is one place for the ultimate Google Search Engine, another brilliant tool that has now come up is Google Question Hub. Don’t know what that is? Let me tell you a secret, you might actually be using it. Yes! That’s true. Let’s understand what Google Question Hub Tool is! Read onwards…

What is Google Question Hub?

Are there questions that Google search engine can’t answer? Here is a solution- Google Question Hub

It is a platform developed by Google which mainly focuses on the unattended questions on the internet. What sort of questions are these?

Well, there are the questions that people as and which do not have an answer available. This can be of great help to bloggers and content writers.

However, as of now, this cool tool is available in three countries only! What are these? Those countries are India, Indonesia, and Nigeria. This means it is only available in a few languages namely- English, Hindi, and Bahasa Indonesia.

What is the use of Google Question Hub?

Well, now a major population of the world has access to the internet. Coming down to these three countries, let’s suppose majoritively people surf the internet on day to day basis in these question. But when it comes to language, there is a missing link. People often try typing in their mother tongue only to find information and blogs in a different mother tongue. Have you ever felt that?

Let’s see this through an example. Hindi is the most commonly used language in India. There are a lot of people who type their questions into the search bar in Hindi. How many people will find the blogs on that topic in Hindi? Well, only a few… a very few!

Now I think the whole purpose of Google Question Hub is getting clear! Through this tool, Google is trying to fill the gap.

How Does Google Question Hub Works?

You all must be thinking like Google knows everything. Time to clear this misunderstanding!

You are wrong.

Do you know that 15% of the questions on daily basis are never asked on Google before? That’s weird, right?

Yes! With that, there are so many questions that Google doesn’t have answers for. It can save content writers from getting their brains into this thing of generating new and fresh ideas that too daily. Imagine if you find the treasure of the questions that people ask more frequently. How wonderful will that be? Not only that but it increases your chances to be seen because as of now only a little or nil is written about them.   you will be able to find.

So Google figures out all the questions that people ask on regular basis and puts them in one place and that is the Google Question Hub. How does it work?

Just enter a keyword and Google will show you what all questions are asked on the daily basis about it and let you know that! So just type in the topic and find all the questions.

What to Use Google Question Hub?

Without further ado, dive into the features that are there in this content idea generator tool:

Search- Just enter a keyword into the search space and find the questions that is frequently asked by users. Google will show you all the list of questions (100 at a time) you.

Export to CSV- With all the questions with you, you can export these to your system by pressing the button Export to CSV. However, you can only export 100 questions at a time.

Star Questions- You can now star any of the questions you feel are important or the ones that you can work on later. This saves you from piling your system with questions by enabling you to star any of these anytime! Stared questions have a separate dedicated tab for view it later.

Add Questions- On the left side of the screen, there is a tab for Add Questions. Here is where you need to add the questions that are related to your topic.

History- History like always, will bring back all the search results and inquiries made into the search bar of Google Question Hub.

Setting- The setting option available on the screen will help you select the language in which you want it to use. You can select to keep or delete the activity. Also if you want to delete your account, you know where to go!

Send Feedback- Here is the last but not the least option, Send Feedback. Like every developing concept needs feedback from its users, likewise, feedback here too is important. Also, more importantly, the tool is in the beta version so Google needs feedback from the bloggers that are getting benefitted from it!

Google Question Hub- A Pioneer in Creating Fresh Content and Ideas For Writing!

Here is the greatest tool for content writers and to help them do away with the silly and not so smart activity of just thinking what people must be interested in. That way the results are not at all accurate. However, this tool can help you know exactly what questions are people asking. Not only this but these are the questions that are not answered by Google. Isn’t that great?

For these questions, there are no competitors. You alone and your content!

So, if you are a blogger and finding topics of people’s interest troubles you, you know how helpful can this tool prove to be!

So, people, we hope we have enlightened you a lot with this resourceful blog. Comment down below and let us know what do you think about it.

Good Luck Writing!

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